
Advancements in science and technology has led to rapid development of human occupation and settlements, even at places that were uninhabitable throughout most of human history. It has not only led to widespread construction activities, that are either sometimes well-planned or often ill-planned, but it has also led to a fierce competition in the business of construction and sale of properties, challenging and/or changing the threshold as well as the definition safe and sound construction, to make the costs affordable and to sell more and more units, whether it maybe for residential or commercial purposes.

The same advancements and development in science also led to the insights into the environmental impact of this explosive development of the human settlements as well as its impact on humans themselves. The scientific approach of problem solving led to establishing methods of analysis and measurement of the physical, mechanical and chemical parameters that help in understanding the safety and strength of the construction as well as the composition of water, food, soil, air, etc., in other words, the impact on the environment at and surrounding the construction site. Thus, the format and the role of a laboratory was established and formalized that played a crucial role in measuring and recording the relevant parameters that are crucial for the construction company as well as the regulatory authorities responsible for the conservation of the environment and public health.

In contemporary times the new findings of any scientific research are available almost in real time thus there is a constant availability of updates in the knowledge. Al Hoty Stanger Laboratories believes in keeping its methods of measurements and analysis updated too, we recognize the importance of up to date know-how as it has far reaching impact in terms of costs for not just the construction companies but also the regulatory authorities. So, AHSL is regularly accredited by the most prominent as well as most reputed authoritative establishments in testing standards, such as ISO/IEC 17025 by ENAS / DAC, Dubai Municipality (DM), Saudi Arabian Standards Organization (SASO), all AHSL labs in the UAE are ISO 9001 certified to affirm its position as the best testing laboratories in the UAE.The AHS Laboratories has worked closely with the most respected and renowned companies as well as organizations, not only with names like Dubai Accreditation Centre in the UAE, or with names like Saudi Aramco in the Saudi Arabia, but also international organizations such as WHO, British Standards, so on and so forth. AHSL is equipped with a comprehensive and almost endless list of tests that are primarily related to Occupational-Health-&-Safety (OHS)/ Health-Safety-&-Environment (HSE) and/or Geotechnical functions.  Despite this, to list the most popular testing done at AHSL are as follows, Concrete TestingSoil TestingChemical Testing that are mostly related to Geotechnical Testing, while Air Testing, Waste water Testing that are mostly related to Environmental Testing, and Food Testing as well as Potable Water Testing are related to Microbiological as well as Analytical Chemistry Testing mostly useful in public health assessment.

Testing Facilities

WATER Testing

AHSL is the first commercial lab in the UAE to be accredited to ISO 17025 for Microbiological and Chemical analysis. Our testing services include water testing for Potable Water, wastewaters and those that are sensitive to the medical field such as Water used for patients with kidney diseases (dialysis) and dental surgeries.

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Food Chemistry Tests

New technologies have now been introduced for quicker food production and Al Hoty Stanger Laboratories have taken this opportunity to keep abreast of the ever changing and demanding quality trends and have introduced the testing of trace Pesticide Residues, Heavy metals such as Mercury, Arsenic, Selenium, Vitamins, GMO’s, Cholesterol and nutritional data[…]

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GPR (Ground Penetrating Radar)

The GPR (Ground Penetrating Radar) complements the accredited Geotechnical and Geophysical services we currently offer as a Laboratory in the vast expanse of the UAE’s Topography. It assists us to identify underground utilities and obstacles and helps us study the underground strata without disturbing the current condition of these sites, thereby reducing […]

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Construction Materials

AHSL have extensive facilities for physical, mechanical and chemical testing of a wide variety of materials and products to National, International and other regional standards and specifications in accordance with BS, BS EN ISO, ASTM, AASHTO, DIN, CIRIA, etc. […]

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Analytical Chemistry

With more than 35 years of experience in chemical testing, AHSL offers its expertise in analytical chemistry to monitor the quality of products, including identification of unknown substances and determination of composition using conventional chemical and auto-analytical/instrument techniques employing a number of state of the art equipment. Chemical analyses of water and food to World Health Organisation, British Standards, American Public Health Authority and other national/international standards are among the frequently rendered services.

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AHSL was the first commercial laboratory to be accredited for Microbiology tests in the UAE. We test food, water, air for microbiological parameters. AHSL uses the PCR technique from 2008 for Enumeration of Pathogens.

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In the Middle East, AHSL is one of the pioneers conducting Environmental Testing – sound level survey, pollution monitoring, air quality testing, water and waste water analyses. AHSL has been approved to undertake environment-related testing by a number of public-sector organizations in the UAE […]

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AHSL offers mechanical/metallurgical tests on metallic material and welded samples to determine the physical properties, identifying material grades, establishing the reliability of welder’s performance through Welder Qualification Tests, certify the weld procedures through Weld Procedure Qualification Tests.

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Special Tests

AHSL provides tests on various construction materials like Geotextiles, Waterproofing Membrane, PVC Pipes, Rubber, GRP, GRG, GRC, Bituboard, bolts, etc. […]

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We are committed to providing calibration services through increased quality and service excellence using master instruments which are traceable to national and international standards. […]

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AHSL provides Geotechnical Services to understand the ground strata and assist the Structural Engineers in making important decisions with regards to foundations etc. We also cater to Geophysical and Ground Penetrating Radar surveys.

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